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- Quality and reliability of self-healing power capacitorsQuality and reliability of self-healing power capacitors for voltages up to 1000 V AC (en)
- Safety Reccomendation Power CapacitorsSafety Reccomendation Power Capacitors
- Recommendations for Harmonic and Power Measurements in Electrical NetworksRecommendations for Harmonic and Power Measurements in Electrical Networks
Company flyer
- Safeguard your Energy""Safeguard your Energy" FRAKO Image brochure
Energy Management & Power Quality
- FRAKO PQC - Edition 2019FRAKO Power Quality Controller - Edition 2019
- FRAKO Modular Active FilterModern medical equipment, the latest LED technology and present-day motor control systems make the most exacting demands on power supply quality. Certain loads, however, greatly distort the supply-side waveform by generating harmonics. This situation often calls for an improvement in power quality. With the FRAKO Modular Active Filter, the distortion caused by individual loads, groups of consumers or the entire electrical installation is reduced to a tolerable level or totally eliminated from the network.
- FRAKO Power Quality Manager - The MultitalentWhether to inform, to alert or to connect: the FRAKO Power Quality Manager is a multitalent, an all-in-one instrument. Using interfaces such as OPC UA and REST, it becomes the focal point of your Industry 4.0 communications and your gateway to the Internet of Things (IoT). The FRAKO PQM makes it child’s play to integrate machinery and industrial plant into higher-level control systems and to transfer data to cloud-based analysis solutions.
- THE FRAKO PQC – PRECISE, FLEXIBLE AND UNIVERSALThe new universal control characteristic curve makes the FRAKO PQC even more flexible in use. It can be relied upon to optimize the power factor not only in classical correction systems but also in state-of-the-art decentralized power generation networks. In addition, the universal control curve ensures extremely efficient operation of the power factor correction system with minimized component wear.
- PQC ProThe Power Quality Controller Professional combines the strengths of previous FRAKO reactive power control relays with the latest supplementary functions. A PQC Pro instrument can handle all the tasks demanded of today’s ever more complex reactive power management systems, whether maintaining the steady-state voltage stability required by the electric utility, networked reactive power management, external control of master reactive power controllers or true 4-quadrant power factor correction.
- Passive Harmonic Filters from FRAKOMITIGATE HARMONICS EFFECTIVELY Overloaded equipment, noncompliance with standards, voltage distortion (THDv), counter-torque in electric motors, resonance and distortion reactive power: these power quality headaches are predominantly due to the harmonics generated by modern power converters resulting in voltage distortion. As all the loads in the supply network are interconnected, this can lead to serious malfunctioning or unscheduled shutdowns.
- EFFICIENT POWER QUALITY – THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDSHybrid Filtering Solutions Combining Active and Passive Harmonic Filters by FRAKO. For optimal power quality, maximum efficiency, and tangible cost advantages – tailored to your specific needs.
Reactive power compensation & Capacitors
- FRAKO CapacitorsNot only are FRAKO power capacitors ideal for power factor correction systems, but they can also provide safety and reliability in other applications. With their robust construction and patented technology, they offer maximum current carrying capacity and voltage carrying capacity. Their compact design keeps their size down without the risk of their overheating. This makes them ideal components in every installation where reliability is the utmost priority.
- Capacitors for Power ElectronicsFRAKO Type LKT-F capacitors are power electronic capacitors which are designed specifi cally for use with non-sinusoidal voltage and current including Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) voltage. Type LKT-F capacitors may be used in various types of fi lters for use at the input or output side of inverters and drives. They may be applied in either DC (VN ratings) or AC (Vrms ratings) fi lter circuits.
- POWER ELECTRONICS CAPACITORSFRAKO Type LKT-F capacitors are power electronic capacitors which are designed specifi cally for use with non-sinusoidal voltage and current including Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) voltage. Type LKT-F capacitors may be used in various types of fi lters for use at the input or output side of inverters and drives. They may be applied in either DC (VN ratings) or AC (Vrms ratings) fi lter circuits.
- Water-Cooled Power Factor Correction SystemsHEAVY DUTY IS OUR CHALLENGE: We can't change site conditions, but we can offer systems that cope. Our water-cooled power factor correction systems have been specially developed for applications in punishing industrial environments. One typical example is an installation in the dusty utilities room of a wood pellets factory. Thanks to their completely enclosed construction and efficient water cooling, our systems remain clean and reliable.
- Capacitor Switching ContactorsSPECIAL CONTACTOR FEATURES Achieve reliability and long life expectancy for your capacitor and harmonic fi lter systems. During the switching of capacitors, that do not include series reactors (for tuning or detuning), peak switching currents of up to 200 times the nominal capacitor current can occur. This high peak current stresses both the capacitor as well as the contacts of the contactors. These switching currents can lead to reduced capacitor life and welding of the main contactor contacts.
- INNOVATIVE POWER CAPACITORSThe first solder-free contact between connecting wires and capacitor windings