Success Stories in Power Factor Correction

Get inspired by our case studies. Learn how our solutions have delivered impressive results in solar parks and self-generation facilities. We’ve also significantly improved mains stability and efficiency in dynamic power factor correction for railway and metro companies.

Power Factor Correction for Solar Parks

In recent decades, the drive to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for power generation has resulted in solar parks, otherwise known as photovoltaic power stations or simply PV systems, establishing themselves as a reliable source of electrical energy.

Power Factor Correction for Sites with On-Site Generators

Generating one's own electricity onsite, using diesel generators and CHP units, is a viable proposition primarily for those companies that have a great need for process heat. The unavoidable heat from generators operating at efficiencies of about 60%, which would otherwise be considered a waste product, can be put to good use in their production processes.

Dynamic Compensation of Inductive and Capacitive Reactive Power for Railway and Metro Operating Companies

In 2016, the European Commission set ambitious objectives for rail transport: capacity should be doubled and operating costs halved by 2050. The aim is to improve the competitiveness of the European rail sector.

Our joint project with Siemens Mobility Bulgaria will help to reduce operating costs. FRAKO Kondensatoren- und Anlagenbau GmbH was commissioned to design and assemble a dynamic power factor correction system to optimise power quality and avoid costs for reactive power.

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