Operating Manuals
The operating manuals provided on this website are for informational purposes only. While we strive to keep the information up-to-date and accurate, we make no guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the content provided.
Use of the information is at your own risk. We are not liable for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website or the information contained therein. It is the user's responsibility to carefully read the manuals and take the necessary safety precautions.

- Operation Manual PQC 4.xPower Quality Controller PQC Firmware 4.x The controller that maximizes reliability and monitors power quality
- Power Quality Controller PQC Firmware 1.x-2.xPower Quality Controller PQC Firmware 1.x-2.x
- Power Quality Controller PQV Firmware 3.0Power Quality Controller PQV Firmware 3.0
- Power Quality Controller PQC Firmware 4.0Power Quality Controller PQC Firmware 4.0
- Power Quality Controller PQC Firmware 4.1Power Quality Controller PQC Firmware 4.1
- PQC Modbus SpecificationPower Quality Controller PQC Modbus Specification
PQC Operating instructions in Spanish
- Operating instructions PQC (Spanish)Controlador de calidad de energía PQC El controlador que maximiza la confiabilidad y monitorea la calidad de la energía
- Application Note Profil 1Power Quality Controller Insights – Profile 1 Ideal control curve for power-consuming applications where an inductive cos ϕ is required.
- Application Note Profil 2Control curve for power-consuming applications where an inductive cos ϕ is required
- Application Note Profil 3Control curve for power-consuming applications where an average cos ϕ of 1 is required and both inductive and capacitive operating points are permissible.
- Application Note Profil 5Control curve for applications in electricity generating grids, including e.g. hydro or wind power plants, where a capacitive cos ϕ is required.
- Power Factor control characteristic curves in the course of timeThe general requirements for reactive power compensation and its automatic control have changed significantly over time. Today's requirements can often no longer be met with standard control characteristics. We present the FRAKO universal control characteristic of the future.
- EMR 1100 SReactive Power Control Relay EMR 1100 /-S
- RM2106 / RM2112Reactive Power Control Relay RM 2106
- PFC-12TR-1Power Factor Controller PFC-12-TR-1 (-RS485)
- RM2012Reactive Power Controller RM 2012
- RM9606Reactive Power Control Relay RM 9606

- PQA-1101Power Quality Analyzer PQA 1500

- EMA1496Multifunctional Measuring device EMA 1496 Short Manual
- EM-PQ 1500Power Quality Monitor EM-PQ 1500 For new Model see PQA-1500
- EM-PQ 2100Power Quality Analyzer EM-PQ 2100
- EM-PQ 2200Power Quality Analyzer EM-PQ 2200
- EM-PQ 2500Power Quality Analyzer EM-PQ 2500
- EM-PQ 3000Power Quality Analyzer EM-PQ 3000
- EM-PQ 2300Power Quality Analyzer EM-PQ 2300
- EMD 1101Add-on Station EMD 1101
- EMPQ-2300: Address Table for Modbus TCPAddress Table for Modbus TCP Communications via Port 502 Applies to firmware version 1.60 or higher (last update 26 July 2012)

- EMC 1203 DCHElectronic Energy Meter for DIN rail mounting EMC 1203 MDVH / EMC 1203 DVH
- EMC 1203Electronic Energy Meter for DIN rail mounting EMC 1203 MDVH / EMC 1203 DVH
- EM-EC805Three-phase Digital Energy Meters ECS 3-5